Our Childbirth Education Classes aim to provide you with the knowledge, skills and confidence to help you make informed choices as you prepare to birth your baby.
Topics covered include;
- Normal mechanisms and physiology of labour and birth
- Peaceful and confident birthing
- Tools and tips on how you can manage the challenges of labour
- Pain relief options and how to work with the discomforts of labour
- Interventions and unexpected outcomes
- Normal newborn behaviour, sleep and settling and adjusting to parenthood
- How to get off to a great start with breastfeeding
Currently our classes are 4hrs in duration and are conducted on a Saturday afternoon from 1-5pm.
The cost is $250 (some private healthfunds may offer a rebate)
We limit the number to 4 couples/class (you are more than welcome to bring a mum, sister, friend instead!)
The classes are held at 366 Summer St (Next to Bill's Beans coffee shop) East Orange.
Debriefing about birth is a an important part of your transformation into parents and we love meeting the babies! We offer you an opportunity to join us in a debrief/chat in the coming months following your birth. Here you can tell your birth story in a safe environment and we can discuss further topics such as sleep and settling, breastfeeding, returning to work, exercise. You will be notified as to when the debrief will be held.